• Bring Him Back!

    Bring Him Back!

    Picture this: It’s just another ordinary day, but I’m about to share something with you that might just sprinkle a bit of inspiration on your routine. So, grab your favorite snack, get comfy, and let’s dive into a tale from the unpredictable world of stand-up comedy.

    You see, I’ve been dabbling in stand-up for about six years, oscillating between treating it as a mere hobby and contemplating turning it into a serious pursuit. Now, let’s zoom in to last Sunday, a day that felt like any other until it didn’t. There I was, backstage at the Comix Roadhouse, hearts pounding and palms sweating, as I geared up for my performance in the semifinals of Last Comix Standing. The energy was electric, with four comedians lined up, each delivering a 15-minute set to woo the audience and the judges. My turn came third, and boy, did I pour my soul into it!

    But, oh, the twist in the tale— I overstayed my welcome on stage. As I darted off, fretting over my timing blunder, I beelined to the bar, drowning my sorrows in a pint, ready to kiss my dreams goodbye. But then, something magical happened. The waitress, with a twinkle in her eye, leaned in and said, “The crowd’s chanting your name, you know?”

    Imagine my shock! Me? Why? I darted back, and there it was— an entire room echoing with “BRING HIM BACK!” I was flabbergasted, a cocktail of embarrassment and exhilaration swirling inside me. But this moment, this incredible moment, was about more than just an ego boost. It was a vindication, a testament to the universal power of laughter, transcending boundaries, and touching hearts.

    Here I am, a storyteller from Bangladesh, now making waves in the Big Apple, weaving tales of my immigrant journey, sprinkled with a dash of everything under the sun—from world affairs to the whimsical world of dating and, yes, even those unavoidable poop jokes. Despite the nagging fear of being pigeonholed as an “Ethnic Comedian,” these experiences are the essence of my comedy. They are real, raw, and resoundingly relatable.

    And in those moments on stage, as the last act brought the house down and the host masterfully soothed the excited crowd, I realized the profound connection we share through laughter. It’s a reminder that, at our core, we’re all just humans, seeking a momentary escape, a shared chuckle, a fleeting bond.

    Oh, and between you and me? I secretly fantasize about being a rock star. Picture strumming the guitar, lost in the melody, captivating an audience not with jokes but with music. Alas, while the dream is vivid, the reality is I’m comically inept with instruments. But here’s the beautiful twist: embracing my knack for comedy has been the most serendipitous detour.

    So, here’s to the laughter, the unexpected turns, and the joy of finding your true calling—even if it’s not the one you initially set out to find. Cheers to the comedy of life! 🎤😊

    Follow me on IG@AliMehediOfficial