Category: Stand-up Comedy

  • Essential Insights for New Stand-Up Comedians: Lessons from Six Must-Read Comedy Books

    Essential Insights for New Stand-Up Comedians: Lessons from Six Must-Read Comedy Books

    1. “Comic Insights: The Art of Stand-up Comedy” by Franklyn Ajaye

    Unique Insights:

    • Finding Your Voice: Ajaye emphasizes the importance of authenticity and developing a unique comedic voice. This involves understanding your own perspective and experiences and how they translate into humor. For instance, Ellen DeGeneres discusses how her laid-back and observational style evolved from her personality, while Wanda Sykes shares how her background and experiences as a Black woman inform her sharp, socially conscious humor.
    • Timing and Delivery: The book covers nuances in timing and delivery, which are crucial in making jokes land. Ajaye highlights how even a pause or the way a punchline is delivered can change the audience’s reaction.
    • Handling Tough Crowds: Several comedians share strategies for dealing with hecklers and unresponsive audiences, providing practical tips on maintaining composure and turning the situation around.

    Example: Margaret Cho talks about the challenges she faced in crafting her voice as an Asian American comedian, and how she uses her background to address broader themes in her comedy, blending humor with social commentary.

    2. “Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life” by Steve Martin

    Unique Insights:

    • Persistence and Evolution: Martin’s memoir illustrates the importance of persistence and continually evolving your act. He talks about how he went from performing magic tricks to creating a unique, absurdist style that set him apart.
    • The Grind of Comedy: Martin emphasizes the amount of work that goes into being successful. He details the long hours, the rejection, and the self-doubt he faced, which is a reality for many new comedians.
    • The Art of Absurdity: Martin’s approach to comedy involved breaking conventional structures, using physical humor, and incorporating music. His evolution from a traditional joke format to a more performance art style is a key takeaway for finding what sets you apart.

    Example: Ali Wong’s journey from open mics to her breakthrough with the Netflix special “Baby Cobra” reflects similar themes of hard work, authenticity, and evolving her voice to connect deeply with audiences through candid and often taboo topics.

    3. “Sick in the Head: Conversations About Life and Comedy” by Judd Apatow

    Unique Insights:

    • Diverse Perspectives: Apatow’s interviews offer a wide array of perspectives from different comedians, highlighting that there is no single path to success in comedy. This is useful for understanding the various approaches to joke writing and performance.
    • The Power of Vulnerability: Several comedians in the book talk about using personal pain and vulnerability in their comedy. For example, Hasan Minhaj discusses turning personal and cultural experiences into powerful comedic material that resonates with a wide audience.
    • Creative Process: Apatow and his guests often delve into the creative processes behind their work. The conversations reveal that comedy writing is a mix of inspiration, discipline, and relentless editing.

    Example: Tiffany Haddish shares how her experiences growing up in foster care and overcoming personal struggles became a source of her comedic material, illustrating how vulnerability can be a strength in comedy.

    4. “The Comedy Bible: From Stand-up to Sitcom—The Comedy Writer’s Ultimate Guide” by Judy Carter

    Unique Insights:

    • Structured Approach to Joke Writing: Carter provides a clear, structured approach to joke writing, which includes formulas and exercises. This is especially helpful for beginners who need a starting point for constructing jokes.
    • Identifying Premises: The book teaches how to find strong premises and build jokes around them. Carter emphasizes the importance of the setup, punchline, and act-outs in creating compelling material.
    • Practical Exercises: Unlike the other books, this one offers hands-on exercises to practice writing jokes, developing characters, and creating humorous scenarios.

    Example: Carter provides an exercise where you take an ordinary object and brainstorm five funny observations about it, which helps in training your mind to see humor in everyday things.

    5. “Comedy Writing for Late-Night TV” by Joe Toplyn

    Unique Insights:

    • Writing for Format: Toplyn’s book is invaluable if you’re interested in writing jokes for TV, especially late-night monologues, desk pieces, and sketches. He breaks down the unique requirements of each format, including the speed and topical nature of the writing.
    • Developing a Comedic Voice for TV: Toplyn stresses the importance of matching the comedic tone of the show you’re writing for while still bringing your own voice to the table.
    • Behind-the-Scenes Look: The book offers a behind-the-scenes look at how late-night shows are produced, including the writers’ room dynamics and the daily deadlines. This insight is crucial for understanding the fast-paced environment of TV comedy.

    Example: Toplyn outlines how to write a joke based on a news headline by starting with the setup (the headline) and then finding the twist that serves as the punchline, a fundamental technique in late-night TV writing.

    6. “I’m Dying Up Here: Heartbreak and High Times in Stand-Up Comedy’s Golden Era” by William Knoedelseder

    Unique Insights:

    • Community and Rivalry: This book provides a historical context for the comedy scene, showing how community and competition among comedians can drive improvement and innovation.
    • The Realities of Comedy Clubs: Knoedelseder discusses the business side of comedy clubs, including how comedians negotiate for stage time and the impact of venues on a comedian’s career. Understanding the dynamics of these relationships can help you navigate your own path in stand-up.
    • Resilience in the Industry: The book highlights the resilience required to succeed, as it chronicles the struggles of comedians like Richard Lewis and Jay Leno in their early days.

    Example: The book recounts the famous strike at The Comedy Store in the 1970s, illustrating the tensions between performers and club owners and underscoring the importance of comedians valuing their own work.

    Summary for Aspiring Comedians:

    • “Comic Insights” is ideal for learning from multiple successful comedians about the craft, handling audiences, and refining your style.
    • “Born Standing Up” teaches the value of persistence, personal evolution, and the creative possibilities of unconventional comedy.
    • “Sick in the Head” provides diverse perspectives on comedy as a craft and a way of life, emphasizing authenticity and creative exploration.
    • “The Comedy Bible” offers structured, practical advice for joke writing and performance, perfect for beginners needing guidance.
    • “Comedy Writing for Late-Night TV” is tailored for those interested in the specific demands of writing for television comedy.
    • “I’m Dying Up Here” gives a historical perspective on the stand-up comedy world, highlighting the industry’s challenges and communal aspects.

    Each of these books provides valuable insights that can help you develop your comedic skills, understand the industry, and find your unique voice as a stand-up comedian.

    Follow me on IG@AliMehediOfficial

  • A Comprehensive Guide to Standup Comedy Joke Writing: Formats and Techniques.

    A Comprehensive Guide to Standup Comedy Joke Writing: Formats and Techniques.

    Standup comedy is an art form that combines storytelling, observation, and punchy writing. Crafting jokes involves more than just being funny—it requires a clear understanding of formats, techniques, and timing to engage an audience. In this guide, we’ll explore the essential formats and techniques used in standup comedy writing, complete with examples to illustrate how these elements come together to create laughter.

    1. Understanding Joke Structure: Setup and Punchline

    At the heart of every joke is the basic structure: the setup and the punchline. The setup establishes the context, while the punchline delivers the twist or surprise that makes the audience laugh.


    • Setup: “I’m on a whiskey diet.”
    • Punchline: “I’ve lost three days already.”

    Explanation: The setup leads the audience to think it’s a conventional diet joke, but the punchline flips it by introducing an unexpected consequence—losing days, not weight.

    2. Common Comedy Formats

    A. One-Liners

    One-liners are short, concise jokes that deliver a punch with minimal setup. They rely heavily on wordplay, puns, or quick shifts in logic.


    • “I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug.”

    Explanation: The setup is a statement that seems sincere, but the punchline delivers humor through a double meaning—mistakes referring both to errors and to the speaker himself.


    • Mitch Hedberg – Known for his surreal and quirky one-liners.
    • Steven Wright – Famous for his deadpan delivery and clever one-liners.
    • Wanda Sykes – Though she often uses storytelling, she also delivers powerful one-liners with sharp timing.

    B. Observational Comedy

    Observational jokes find humor in everyday life, pointing out the absurdities in mundane situations. This style often uses relatability as a key hook for the audience.


    • “You ever notice how every ‘Open 24 Hours’ place has locks on the door? What, are they scared someone’s going to break in and clean?”

    Explanation: The humor comes from pointing out the illogical nature of something commonly accepted, which many people have seen but not questioned.


    • Ellen DeGeneres – Known for her relatable takes on daily life and social behavior.
    • Ali Wong – Incorporates observations about family, motherhood, and Asian-American culture.
    • Trevor Noah – Uses his unique perspective as a South African to observe cultural differences and social issues.

    C. Storytelling

    Storytelling in comedy involves narrating a personal or fictional anecdote with comedic elements. This format allows for a longer setup, as the story itself is entertaining, and it often includes multiple punchlines.


    • “So, I read that smoking marijuana can make your sperm lazy, just swimming in circles. I thought, ‘Well, that’s perfect—they’re just as directionless as I am in my career.’ Now my little swimmers are down there, doing the backstroke, looking for the remote.”

    Explanation: The joke uses a personal narrative to explore the absurdity of a scientific fact, blending relatability with self-deprecation.


    • Kevin Hart – Known for his high-energy stories about his life, family, and mishaps.
    • Aditi Mittal – One of India’s leading female stand-up comedians, known for her personal and cultural storytelling.
    • John Mulaney – Renowned for his narrative style and detailed, often self-deprecating stories.
    • Tiffany Haddish – Uses storytelling to share her life experiences with humor and candor.

    3. Techniques in Joke Writing

    A. Misdirection

    Misdirection sets the audience up to expect one outcome and then subverts that expectation, leading them in an unexpected direction.


    • “I’m not good with technology; for example, I tried to mute my microwave when it was too loud.”

    Explanation: The setup primes the audience to expect a common tech issue, but the punchline humorously applies a solution that makes no sense in the given context.


    • Jimmy Carr – British comedian known for his dark humor and sharp misdirection.
    • Hannibal Buress – Often uses misdirection with a relaxed style that subverts audience expectations.
    • Eliza Skinner – Uses clever misdirection to highlight absurdities in everyday life.
    • Ken Jeong – Frequently employs misdirection, mixing his medical background with comedy.

    B. Exaggeration

    Exaggeration involves taking a concept or situation to a hyperbolic extreme, making it seem ridiculous or far-fetched.


    • “My wife says I never listen to her, or something like that.”

    Explanation: The punchline exaggerates the problem of not listening to a comical extreme—failing to hear even a complaint about not listening.


    • Gabriel Iglesias (Fluffy) – Known for his animated stories with exaggerated impressions and sound effects.
    • Margaret Cho – Uses exaggeration to emphasize social commentary, often about her Korean heritage and LGBTQ+ issues.
    • Jim Carrey – Famous for his exaggerated physical comedy and facial expressions.
    • Aparna Nancherla – Uses exaggeration in a more subdued, introspective manner to highlight anxiety and social awkwardness.

    C. Callbacks

    A callback refers to a joke that links back to an earlier joke in the set, creating a sense of continuity and layering the humor.


    • Earlier in the set: “My sperm are so lazy, they just float around waiting for Uber.”
    • Callback later: “And then my wife’s like, ‘Why don’t we have kids?’ I’m like, ‘Maybe the Uber’s lost.’”

    Explanation: The callback revisits the lazy sperm joke, reinforcing the concept and adding a new twist.


    • Dave Chappelle – Expert at weaving callbacks throughout his sets to build on earlier jokes.
    • Ali Wong – Uses callbacks effectively to tie her sets together, often revisiting jokes about family and gender roles.
    • Hasan Minhaj – Utilizes callbacks in his storytelling to connect themes across his performances.
    • Tig Notaro – Known for her subtle use of callbacks that add depth to her deadpan style.

    D. Comparisons and Similes

    Comparisons and similes liken one thing to another, often highlighting the absurdity or humor in the connection.


    • “Dating in your 30s is like trying to find a parking spot—everyone’s taken, or there’s something wrong with the rest.”

    Explanation: The simile connects the struggle of dating to a relatable experience, drawing humor from the shared frustration.


    • Russell Peters – Known for comparing cultures and stereotypes in a humorous and insightful way.
    • Aziz Ansari – Uses comparisons to discuss generational differences and modern dating.
    • Ronny Chieng – Known for comparing American and Asian cultures with sharp, satirical humor.

    E. Reverses

    Reverses play with the expected direction of the joke, often presenting an idea from a completely opposite perspective at the punchline.


    • “I used to be addicted to soap, but I’m clean now.”

    Explanation: The joke sets up the idea of addiction but flips it with a wordplay on being ‘clean,’ relating to both addiction recovery and the nature of soap.


    • Sarah Silverman – Frequently uses reverses in her edgy, controversial style.
    • John Bishop – British comedian known for his reverse punchlines in storytelling.
    • Nicole Byer – Often flips expectations with surprising twists in her material.
    • George Lopez – Uses reverses to challenge stereotypes and expectations about Latino culture.

    4. Building a Routine: From Individual Jokes to Cohesive Set

    Creating a standup set involves more than stringing together jokes; it’s about building a cohesive narrative or thematic throughline. Here’s how to structure a routine effectively:

    A. Open Strong and End Stronger

    Start with a solid joke that grabs the audience’s attention, and save your best material for the end to leave a lasting impression.

    B. The Rule of Three

    A classic in comedy, the rule of three involves creating a pattern with two similar elements followed by a third that surprises.


    • “Some people go to therapy, some do yoga, and some, like me, just watch reruns of ‘The Office’ and pretend it’s self-care.”

    Explanation: The first two items are expected self-care methods, but the third adds humor through a surprising, less conventional coping mechanism.

    C. Segue Smoothly

    Transitions between jokes should feel natural. Use callbacks, thematic connections, or even meta-humor (acknowledging the transition itself) to keep the flow.

    D. Rehearse with Timing and Delivery

    Comedy is as much about how you say something as what you say. Rehearse your timing, pauses, and emphasis to maximize the impact of each joke.

    Some more example comedians:

    Character Comedy

    • Melissa Villaseñor – Known for her impressions and character-driven comedy on SNL.
    • Sacha Baron Cohen – Famous for his character comedy in roles like Borat and Ali G.
    • Lena Waithe – Often includes character-driven humor that highlights the complexity of Black queer experiences.
    • Paul Reubens (Pee-wee Herman) – Created an entire comedic persona that became iconic.

    Improvisational Comedy

    • Robin Williams – A master of quick-witted improv and spontaneous humor.
    • Wayne Brady – Known for his work on “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” showcasing his improv skills.
    • Mindy Kaling – Though primarily a writer, she incorporates improvisation in her comedic performances.
    • Aisling Bea – Uses improvisation in her storytelling to engage audiences with spontaneity and charm.

    5. Conclusion

    Standup comedy writing is a craft that blends creativity, observation, and a deep understanding of human nature. By mastering joke formats like one-liners, observational humor, and storytelling, and applying techniques like misdirection, exaggeration, and callbacks, comedians can create compelling, memorable routines. The key is to continually refine your material, listen to your audience, and always keep experimenting with new ideas and perspectives.

    Standup comedy isn’t just about being funny—it’s about connecting with an audience through shared experiences and surprises that make us laugh at the absurdity of life. Whether you’re writing jokes for yourself or for a larger set, keep these techniques in mind, and remember: the best comedy often comes from the truths we’re too shy or afraid to say out loud.

    Follow me on IG@AliMehediOfficial

  • Why NYC is the Best Place for Starting Standup Comedy

    Why NYC is the Best Place for Starting Standup Comedy

    New York City, a vibrant melting pot of cultures, ideas, and talent, has long been regarded as the entertainment capital of the world. When it comes to standup comedy, NYC is not just a place—it’s a rite of passage. With its unparalleled range of shows, classes, open mics, and an audience that craves laughter, NYC offers a unique and dynamic environment for budding comedians. Here’s why NYC stands out as the best place to launch a career in standup comedy.

    A Diverse Range of Shows

    One of the key reasons NYC is the ultimate destination for aspiring comedians is the sheer variety of shows available. From iconic venues like The Comedy Cellar, where legends like Louis C.K. and Dave Chappelle have graced the stage, to more intimate settings such as Q.E.D. Astoria and The Creek and the Cave, the city offers a vast spectrum of performance opportunities. Whether you’re looking to perform in a bustling comedy club or a cozy bar’s backroom, NYC has it all.

    Comedy shows in NYC range from tightly curated lineups featuring big names and up-and-coming talents to themed nights like LGBTQ+ comedy showcases, all-female lineups, and experimental shows that push the boundaries of traditional standup. This diversity not only provides comedians with a wide array of platforms to showcase their talents but also ensures that performers can find their niche and hone their unique comedic voice.

    Open Mics: The Crucible of Comedy

    For those just starting out, open mics are the lifeblood of the comedy scene. NYC’s open mic circuit is both relentless and rewarding. With dozens of open mics happening every night across the city, comedians have ample opportunities to work on their material, test new jokes, and refine their delivery. Some open mics are notorious for being tough rooms filled with fellow comics, while others are more supportive, attracting a mix of audience members and performers. This variety helps comedians develop resilience, adaptability, and the ability to read a room—essential skills for any standup comedian.

    NYC’s open mics aren’t just about stage time; they’re also about building connections. The comedy community in NYC is tight-knit, and open mics are where lifelong friendships and collaborations are often formed. Aspiring comedians can network with seasoned pros, find writing partners, and even land spots on bigger shows through the connections made at these grassroots events.

    List of Venues, Shows, Open-Mics, & Producers

    NookInfinite JokesJosh Alba
    Asylum TheaterThree Monkeys ComedyKari Burt and Joshua Stokes
    Poco NYCPaper Weight Comedy ShowRoyce Winner
    Stand Up NYComedy at Cooper Park (Hiatus )Gabe Mollica
    Mo’s Bar & LoungeThe Last Drop (Monthly)Greg Melly and Jaclyn Lore
    Scorpion BarMadfunny Comedy (Mon)Tim McLaughin and Jeff Sheen
    BK LobsterRisque Business (2nd/4th) BiBridget Geiran, Pat Burtscher, and Olivia Amerling
    Franklin ParkVelvet Brick Comedy (Monthly)Jared Waters and Matthew Averalo
    Juke BarUpper Best Side ComedyAerial and Von Babaganoush
    St Marks Comedy ClubSt Marks Comedy ClubGeneva Rust-Orta
    The GraysonBoyz in the WoodzTalib Bab
    Brookyln MuesumSmash ComedyMomo and Danille
    Bridge and TunnelFive Star ComedyWill Morrison
    St MarksMo Mondays No ProblemsTony Skyowski
    Irish Whiskey BarNot a Boy or Girl Comedy (Monthly)Dan Fitzpatrick & Davidson Boswell
    NorwoodJust Come ComedyIshmail Gaynor
    Eris evolutionKeep it CasualKevin Bourne
    Mama TriedSeance ComedyErik Bransteen
    Young EthalsRipe JokesPiers Moreton & Elijah Trichon
    Golds Sounds Bar19th Hole ComedyLee Lan and Chris Shurr
    The GrahamProfessional Unprofessional ( weekly)Ray Goots
    265 W. 37th HotelPetey Party ( on Hiatus)Samantha Santos and Derek Drescher
    Friends and LoversGood Idea Comedy (Mon)Moe Singleton and Torrey Huggins
    Guter BarInsane Comedy (Sesh)Valerie Vernale and Ahmed Abdelrahman
    Central OrganicFemale Comedian with TitsRashard Bashir
    Pinky’s PlaceHouse ShowMalia Simone and Caroline Hanes
    Little FieldAggressively ChillJoseph Natale
    Something Else BarLaugh Love, LiveAmanda Van Nostrand
    HalyardsStand Up LamodeVariety of producers
    Three Diamond DoorTraining Day ComedyJames Dolan, Joey Rinaldi, and Sam Wolff
    Producers ClubWait What Comedy ( Mon)Savannah DesOmreaux and Jenny Gorelick
    Doped Up Comedy ClubBronx Bombers Comedy (Monthly)Dave Lester
    The Perry ClubCry Baby (Pop Up)Danny Warren
    Minami LoungeCasual SetsKendall Relf and Kai V
    THE BARONESSAbove the Line ComedyDavid Rey Martinez
    Alke BarCherry on Top (Bi)Jaron Young, Lee Valentine, Mario Benites, Stewie Vill
    KGB BarHaunted House Comedy (Spring and Summer)Caitlyn Cook
    Ros BarNot a boy, Not a girl. (Monthly )Maura Sateriale & Yumi Kay
    StarrbarFilth (Monthly)Demetrious, Colin, and Sean
    ArcadiaFirst Ave ComedyDrex Clemmons and Eitan Levin
    Brujo TacoBuckroos Comedy ( Monthly)Mariah Oxley and Mark Stroll
    HalyardsThe Comedy GalleryDrew Bleekler and Alex Aroson
    Nickys UnisexAfter Hours ComedyWilliam Morrison
    The GutterLive on 125John Randall
    275 Park AveNo Ceilings ( Mon)
    Baby BrasaBrookyn Dreams Comedy (Monthly)Patrick Hinchcliffe, Alex Libutti and Alison O’Neil
    Pinkys SpaceGilded ComedyDan Davies and Matt Pavich
    Young EthelsBlack Cat Friday’sVanessa Peruda
    The StandMinimum Wage Comedy ShowDaniel Perafan
    GulaaboIggy’s Comedy EveningShaq Stanley and
    Bar NoneMo Betta MondaysDerrick Gonzales and Ishmael Gaynor
    ( DM location)Last Stop with Freddy GJon Viktor Gardiner
    Easy LoverMonday Night Mob NightDerek Humphrey, Boris Khaykin & Jericho Davidson
    Union HallDrip Sets (Spring, Summer, and Fall)Benjamin Siy-Hian
    Jade BarBig Break ComedyDavid Levin and Ethan Mansoor
    Eastville Comedy ClubUgly ParrotNick Hopping
    MikaNot Right Now ComedyAbe Gatling
    CheeseboatNot the ApolloElle Orlando and Amanda Gail
    Logansrun NYCOnly friends Comedy ( weekly)Kari Burt and Micah Walsh
    Easy Lover BarWe a fun Comedy ShowDave Hogsett
    Thompson StudioesBushwicks Finest (House Show)Ryan Seacrest
    The Nest BrooklynStand Up La Mode ( Pop up)Harshil
    Freehold BarNice One Comedy (Bi Weekly)Kyle Gillis (Speak Easy Comedy Show)
    Lips Service CafeHarlem KnightsClaire Parker and Ashelly Hamilton
    DM for AddressBe Kind Rewind (Monthly)Yoni, John, Becky, Sam Reece
    333 LoungeThe Toxic Show (Monthly)Abe Gatling and Dan Rosen
    LIC TonsorialComics You Should KnowJared Waters
    Brooklyn GreensUnderground Comedy (weekly)Frankie and Derrell Meyers
    Baby BrasaCuba Libre ComedySheba Mason
    P& T KnitwearOpe Comedy ShowNick Hopping
    Beauty BarPenthouse Comedy (Hiatus)Alexis Ramírez and David Bakker
    Free HoldThe Pregame (Bi-weekly)Mike Mancusi
    SekensunSun Down Comedy ShowJulio Diaz, Talent Haris, Kevin Bourne
    Bustan BarUnderground OvergroundLil Sasquatch and Colum Tyrel
    Harlem Park 135th and St. NicholasClout Chasers (Monthly)Bassam Shawl
    Ample HillsGolden Hour WeeklyE
    DM for locationYar Bar Comedy (Bi Weekly)Asad Benbow
    DM locationBelly LaughNiko Pavolic
    Gowanus Dredgers Canoe ClubWeekDazeJoey and Lilli Michelle
    Gamma LoungeRooflessLaura Sogar and Rachel Lander
    Ebb’s Brewing CoToo Funny TuesdaysStacy Cordell
    Carl SchurzQueer Now Crystal Lake Comedy (Mon)Eddie
    Monarch GardenFowl Mouth Comedy (Bi-Weekly) 1st and 3rdLucas Stone
    Astoria ParkThree MonkeysMariah Oxley and Mark Stoll
    Cooper ParkFolks (Monthly)Meka Mo
    Mood RingFuego Comedy Show (Hiatus)Joe Levy and Ethan Terzi
    Crystal LakeBest of Astoria ( Mon)Rufat Agaev
    McCarren Park HouseSecret JokesTayler Yarish and Ted Barton
    The MayflyPaper Planes (Monthly)Hurricane Hope
    Salsa Con FeugoConventient Show (Bi Weekly)Charles, Zach. and Santiago
    The CoveShut up and Laugh ComedyGabe Dordano
    Three MonkeysDownBad ComedyJohnny Doran
    Address emailedTrampoline comedy hourCorey Yoskowits
    Groove StreetPure Chaos ComedyTom and Carlos
    Loreley Beer GardenUG! COMEDYMegan Walsh and Candyce Musinki
    The Cobra ClubLast CallSam Maznay and Joe Perrow
    West Side Comedy ClubLover Boyz ComedyTeklai
    Downey Bar and GrillNo ID Comedy (Monthly )Matt Bauchus and Emil Wakim
    Fette Sau BBQSuite ComedyHarrison Tweed and Wren Parker
    The Tiny CupboardToo Much BlueKevin Hurley and George Vanarthos
    The GutterPutting It Out There MonthlyJordan Ashely
    Eats and DrinksNYC is Dead (Hiatus )Danny Palmer
    Ba’sik (Backyard Patio )Let’s See What’s HappensSam Frank
    Asyslum TheaterLobby ComedyKyle Gillis
    Santo BruklinMonday Maddness at the RoseProhibition Comedy Crew
    Sour MouseLast Stop Comedy (Monthly)Gabe Pacheco, Carolyn Castiglia, and Khalid Rahmaan
    Secret PourDumb Funny (mon)Wren Parker
    DROMNew Kids Comedy (Mon)SarahAmy Harvard
    Ample Hills Ice CreamBaby Shower ( Hiatus)Adnres Farfan
    KabiseraSecret Show (Monthly)Tomas Liebel
    Heart of GoldAbsolutely Thriving ( Monthly)Laura Sodar and Rachel Lander
    Goots HouseLast Minute Show (monthly)Mikala Lee
    The Bee CafeSlap HappyEvan Wimberly
    E’s BarTell You What (1st/3rd) Bi-weeklyDan Davies and Grace J
    Jacks Fire DepartmentSesh ComedyArt Cai , Meredith Dietz, and Fernando Ruiz
    Flop HousePure Chaos (Bi)Kareem Rahma and Johnny Gaffney
    New York Comedy ClubUG COMEDY SHOWDavid Drake, Mike Lebovits, Jack Comstock, Carmen Lagala
    Friends and loversComedy at The Bee CafeCandanyce Cook
    Laundry on KeapExploration LivePetey DeAbreu and Zilla Vondas
    Harlem KnightsLaser Gooch ComedySandeep Sen
    140 Eldridge StreetHood Royalty ComedyJake Velasquez
    Petes Candy StorePork Belly Comedy (Hiatus)Chris Reider and Corey Tindall
    BK RooftopSmolder Comedy (MonDaniel Green and Pat Barry
    Marian’s BrooklynThe Pear MidtownLindsay Theis and Katie Boyle
    Smoke ShopMind FreaksJess
    Cellar 77I hate you the least ComedySean Zorn and Colin Rankin
    Easy LoverThe Shh Show (Hiatus )Caroline Cianci and Maddie Peck
    Comedy in HarlemWho Gone Check Me (Bi Weekly)Dillion Stevenson and Omryan
    DMParadise Comedy (Weekly)Matt Benjamin and Daniela Mora
    VSpotSlim Thicc Comedy (Bi Weekky)Nina Barrett
    Bed Stuy Back YardComedy in AstoriaPrincess Gohan and André Myrie
    Secret Location (DM)Stand Up Lamode (Hiatus)Erik Angel
    Little FieldBarbershop ShowYouJean Chang
    Sycamore Bar + Flower ShopFlop House ComedyCw Headly and Coby Chafets and Dan Wicks
    Tipsy dog barGnar FatherMatt Somerstein and Ivan Arguello
    Caffeine UndergroundBuy Me Dinner First Comedy (Monthly)Mae Elaine & Laura Sogar
    Cenral OrganicThrouple ComedySam Jay
    Freddys Bar and BackroomGroup Therapy ( Hiatus)Oniyide Francis
    Empire DinnerWacky ShackRachel Williams and Jessica Levin
    Hart BarAmbush ComedyCharles Bardley and Natalie Rotter-Laitman
    Casa de MezzaNo Exit ComedyEmily Walsh
    Secrot LocationLet’s Get It Comedy (Hiatus)PAMELA, KENDALL, ASHLE & NOLAWEE
    370 MetropolitanGood OnesCourtney MaGinnis and Tom Delgado
    Revision LoungeRock LobsterKofi Thomas
    Bedford MannorBedford Comedy Night (Monthly)Lissa Lennis and Matthwew Averlo
    Offside BarLiving the Dream ShowEarney Osuna
    Grisly PearAll Good Show ( Monthly )Josh Alba
    Canary ClubPico De Gallo ComedyMichael Good and Ivin buns yet
    The Sultan RoomComedy IslandOlivia Rodrigues
    140 EldridgeOff the record comedyReuben Wolf and Brett Singer
    Bowery ElecticBeauty ComedyJessica Levi and Levi White
    The Tiny CupboardGood Time at the Comic Strip (bi-weekly)Mike Mancusi
    OreganoChud City (Mon)Brek Gordon
    Tip Top Bar and GrillWITTY WEDNESDAYLizzie Martin and Mellisa Rocha
    The May FlyNot So PC ShowBrittnay Cardwell and David Piccolomini
    ZoomBad Trip (Monthly)Brian Elberg and Max Mocain
    Secret LoftComedy At IggysVernon McGhee/DM @velvetbrick_
    Ten Degrees BarHalf Pint Comedy ( Monthly)Phil Rizdon
    Saint Vitus BarAmbush ComedyAshton Womack
    Knitting FactoryStankfacecomedyEmily Wilson
    The Cutting RoomDave Lester Show (Bi Weekly)Farooq Hussain
    The BarbershopHorse Play ( Pop Up)Maggie Lalley and Kaitlyn Murphy
    Jane HotelKeeping it Fresh (Zoom)Suzsen, Mitch, and Ymani
    Sugar Hill CafePenthouse ComedyTristan Miller
    Tiny CupboardWash N Sets ( Monthly )Luisa Diez
    Tiny Cupboard (church)Broadway ComedyNick Hopping and Clarie Alexader
    Downtown SocialIdiots After Dark!Alexis Bradby and Kristal Williams
    Eastivlle Comedy ClubTall BoysMax Spinelli & Mike Bramante
    Emmy SquaredTiny Cupboard (church)Marie Foust and Sydnee Washington
    Grove 34Venti Comedy (Monthly)Jad Slay
    Greenwich Comedy ClubVaccine ComedyJamie Wolf and Lucas Zelnik
    Gaf West BarSavage ComedyNick and Austin
    Astoria 3525 Steinway StBrookyn Underground ComedyDan Licata
    PocoDark Dirt and ComedyParadise Crew Team ( its mob of them)
    Bowery ElectricBushwick Bears (Monthly)Andrea Allan & Lizzy Cassidy
    DM LocationWhite Rabbit Comedy Show (Bi Weekly)Griffin Leeds
    St MarksAstigmatismcomedy (Mon)Daniel Perfan
    The Prodcuers ClubZebra CakesGrant Sheffield
    Tiny CupboardCan’t Knock the HustleKarthik Lavangu
    St. Marks Comedy ClubBig Wave ComedyMaxx Manticof
    O’Keefe’s Bar & GrillComedy in Harlem (House Shows)Julio Diaz, Talent Hariss, Luis Galilei
    Greenich VillageThe Mass Hysteria Show (Monthly)Talent Jr, Julio Diaz, Jared Harvin
    Con BodyGood Night ComedyDrex Clemons
    DM for LocationScorpion ComedyRonnie Lordi
    Endless life Brew.Poppy CockYvette Segan and Sarah Adelman
    Adoro LeiMess (Mon)Stevie Vill
    The StandComedy Nite Live (Bi-Weekly)Simeon Goodson and Jordan Perry
    West 37th StreetPenthouse Comedy (DM)Janet Hyde and Mary Cella
    The RoseButter Boy ComedySanyam Sharma
    Pine Box Rock ShopBannah Bread Comedy (Monthly )Phil Rizdon and Aaron Kaplan
    Greenpoint Beer and AleDollar and a Dream Comedy ( Bi-weekly)Mike Jest and John Randal
    Casa MezalPeaches and Cream ( Hiatius )Rob Stapleton
    The Slipper RoomAlternate Side Comedy (Monthly)Sasha Didkovksy and Caleb J Clark
    Arlo HotelBrit Pack (Monthly)Eric Frost
    Connexions GalleryDegenerates Comedy ShowKim Sands
    Arlene CafeSeasoned Comedy (1st and 3rd)Alysia Brown, Ben Wasserman, and Clair
    Art Cafe BKPurple Comedy ( Pop Up)Prohibition Crew
    Invisible Bully BkSome Free Ish ComedyOmar Thompson
    Art GalleryFree Style ComedyTobin Miller
    Solas BarDiversity Hire (2/4 Friday )Breck Gordon
    SeshHobo CopMike Toohey
    Flop House (Grand St)Lets do this again ComedyKhalil Walker
    Black Cat LESDrule ComedyEvan Hernandez and Chase Shanahan
    Sugar Hill After HoursXo Comedy Show (Monthly)Claire Alexander and Brittany Cardwell
    Ray’s Pizza BarMomma Boy (weekly)Joe Russel
    Crystal Lake BarComics You Should Know ( Headliner Series)Alex Caribano
    The PearUp Next (1 and 3rd)Aiden Skeadas
    The Comedy Shop/ BK LocationBoy Friend MaterialKevin Hurley and George Vanarthos\n
    Chispa Cafe BarThe PearSydnee and Marie
    Pig BeachVilliage IdoitsLenard Outz
    Talon BarThe Do it Show (Mon)Ruby Karp
    Dekab StageDisco Nap (Bi-Weekly 2nd and Last Friday)Isis Djata
    Who’s Jac W.?Give me a Break Comedy (Hiatus)James Pontillo and Natalie Cuomo
    Old Man HustleHeadliners Only with Isaiah KellyShanon Harris DC Williams
    Young Ethel’sHouse ShowCansu
    Arlene Grocery StoreHeated MonthlyKewl Shrek
    Back YardPickle Back Comedy (Hiatus)Glennis LaRoe and Molly Rueben Long
    Hunky DoryCorn Beef (Bi Weekly)David Drake, Mike Lebovits
    Three Monkeys BarRed Room ComedyErik Bergstrom ,Mkya Fox, Max Bruno
    IggysI made you a PlaylistFady Rizk
    BrightSide TavernRoofless ComedyPatricia Dinglasan and Domnique Niesperos
    Stand Up NYTiny Cupboard Monday’sAdrian Davidson & Meghan O’Malley
    St. MarksHaunted House ComedyAmanda Baez
    Tara Rose BarMondays at Mel’s Comedy (Hiatus)Jeff Cerulli and Matthew Azaark
    Chipped CupHeavy Pet Comedy (Pop Up)Laura Sogar
    Unio HallHigh CourtMatt Vita
    Joey BatsComedy at Alke BarTawanda, Gabe, and Kenice
    Freddy’s BarPenthouse Comedy (Pop Up)Ben Siy-Hian
    Baby CoolMonday Night Live (Pop Up)Cooper Kim and Max Hornstien
    The FactoryComedic Distancing (Bi weekly)Ryan Thomas and Brian Elberg
    Alewife BrewingIma Get In Trouble Comedy ShowChanel Omari
    FernsTuesday Night LaughsJamie Roberts
    (DM LocatioinsThe Barbershop ShowDevon Walker, Alex English, and Gary Richardson
    Grill on the HillSala Con FuegoRied Webb, Aditya Mayya, and James Donlon
    Beauty BarPunching Bag ComedyDavid and Maxim Allen
    Sour MouseHorse Play (Hiatus)Max Spinielli
    Hemp LabLobby Comedy ( Weekly)Felicia Madison
    Cobra ClubPure Chaos Comedy ( Monthly )Erik Bergstrom abd Sarah Summerlin
    Arrogant SwineLive at the Apr Show (Monthly)Eva Evans
    Ornithology Jazz ClubTell What you WantJulie Ray and Kelly Taylor
    337 SumpterStreet Talk Comedy (Pop Up)Chris Brown
    Hotel RL BrooklynLow Stakes Comedy (Bi-weekly)Dave Lester
    The Comic StripCult ComedyScotty Level
    QEDThe Let DownJason David and Luis Lopez
    The LanternDropout Outs ComedyCaitlyn Cook and AJ Homes
    Vig BarLip Service (Monthly)Rory Lutz
    Mel’s Burger BarThe Firepit ShowIsaiah and Betsy
    Logan’s RunBomb Shelter ComedyRyan Donohue
    Cafe BalearicaPipe Up Comedy (Bi Weekly)Harshil Shukla
    City ReliquaryGolden Ticket (Monthly)Jared Schwartz
    275 ParkLow Key FamousAsha Ward and Sureni
    Gamma LoungeMidnight Marauders (Hiatus)Colin Paul
    ShrineComedy in Harlem, Smokey’s living room”Todd Montesi
    Goldsound BarThe LanternKatie Boyle
    Tootles and FrenchBabes and Bros (Mon)Eli, Piers, Tyler
    Don’t feed the AlligatorsGarlic Renaissance Comedy Show (Bi-weekly)Isiah Kelly
    Brooklyn Dreams Juice LoungeKings County ComedyKelsey Simpson and Christopher Chwew
    The Comedy ShopLate Night Laughs ( bi weekly)Josh Johnson, Brittney Cardwell, Lucas Connolly
    Gowanus Dredgers CanoeThis Is My Stop Comedy ( DM)Damon Millard
    Comedy in HarlemQueen Comedy SeriesChristian Kaiser & Laura Rankin
    Old Man HustleTransplant Comedy (Monthly)Anhtriet Tran and Bassam
    Cafe BalearicaThree Monkeys ShowDenise Taylor and Naomi Karavani
    Iggys BarWashed Up ComedyDorian Kyione Debose and Surya Deer
    GoldsoundbarUnsual CaulpritsVelvelt
    Le DistrictThe Laughter TimesTrina Alpernan
    Star BarrFreddys Comedy NightDaniela and Gracenan
    LICTeam Cheesy (Pop Up)Eddienan
    Bushwick Public HouseWe hope you had fun (Bi Weekly)Kevin Casey White and Kevin O’Briennan
    Pearl Lee’s Laundro BarUnisex Comedy ( Monthly)Jamie Wolf and Lucas Zelnicknan
    Spleef NYCSweet Tea Comedy (Monthly)Jasmine and Elinan
    Gutter BarBushwicks FinestMax Maynan
    The HCherry ontop Comedy ( Bi-Weeekly(Savanna and Jennynan
    ReVision Lounge and GallerySecret Loft Comedy ShowRyhan Thomasnan
    Upstairs Broadway Coemdy ClubBelly Laughs ( bi-weekly )Jonas ,Jatty, and Reggie Conquestnan
    ADORO LEIGood Eggs (Monthly)Shatha Yasnan

    Comedy Classes: Crafting the Next Comedy Stars

    NYC isn’t just about getting up on stage; it’s also a place to learn the craft. The city is home to some of the most respected comedy schools in the country, including the Upright Citizens Brigade, The Comedy Cellar’s Comedy School, and the American Comedy Institute. These institutions offer classes that range from standup fundamentals to advanced workshops focused on perfecting your stage presence and developing a tight set.

    Comedy classes in NYC provide more than just technical skills; they offer a structured environment where comedians can receive feedback from experienced instructors, develop their unique style, and gain confidence in their performance. Many of today’s well-known comedians started in these very classes, and the knowledge and guidance provided by seasoned professionals in NYC can be invaluable for someone looking to make their mark in the standup world.

    An Audience That Loves Comedy

    Perhaps the most significant advantage of starting a comedy career in NYC is the audience. New Yorkers love standup comedy, and they don’t hold back. They are diverse, opinionated, and they know what they like. This can make them a tough crowd, but it also makes performing in NYC a true test of a comedian’s skills. If you can make it in New York, you can make it anywhere, as the saying goes.

    The city’s audience is not just challenging; they are engaged, enthusiastic, and ready to laugh. With comedy shows happening in every borough and at every conceivable time of day, there is no shortage of people eager to be entertained. This constant demand for comedy means that performers have countless opportunities to get in front of a live audience, and the feedback from a real, often brutally honest, NYC crowd is one of the best tools for a comedian looking to refine their act.


    New York City’s comedy scene is a dynamic ecosystem that nurtures talent through its range of shows, open mics, classes, and its passionate audience. For anyone serious about pursuing a career in standup, NYC offers an unmatched environment filled with opportunities to perform, learn, and grow. It’s a city where the comedy never stops, and for aspiring comedians, that’s the ultimate playground. So grab your notebook, hit the open mics, and embrace the hustle—there’s no better place than NYC to chase the dream of making people laugh.

    Follow me on IG@AliMehediOfficial

  • How to Start Writing Jokes for Stand-Up Comedy: A Beginner’s Guide

    How to Start Writing Jokes for Stand-Up Comedy: A Beginner’s Guide

    Embarking on a journey into the world of stand-up comedy can be as exhilarating as it is intimidating. The art of joke writing, especially for stand-up, is a craft that combines creativity, timing, and a keen sense of audience engagement. If you’re a complete beginner, fear not—everyone starts somewhere, and with the right approach, you can learn to make people laugh. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started with joke writing for stand-up comedy.

    1. Start with What You Know: Observe and Take Notes

    The best jokes often stem from personal experiences, observations, and everyday life. As a beginner, your first task is to be an observer. Carry a notebook or use your phone to jot down funny thoughts, weird observations, or anything that catches your attention throughout the day. It could be something as mundane as a quirky co-worker, a frustrating interaction at the coffee shop, or a random thought that makes you chuckle. The goal is to gather material that reflects your unique perspective.

    Tip: Don’t worry about being polished at this stage. Focus on capturing raw ideas and real moments. Authenticity is key in comedy.

    2. Understand the Basics of Joke Structure: Setup and Punchline

    Every joke has a structure, and the most basic form is the setup and punchline:

    • Setup: Provides context or sets the scene. It leads the audience in one direction.
    • Punchline: Delivers the twist, often subverting expectations or adding an element of surprise.

    For example:

    • Setup: “I started a new diet; it’s called the ‘Nothing but Cookies’ diet.”
    • Punchline: “I already lost ten pounds… in my imagination.”

    The punchline should be concise, sharp, and ideally, unexpected.

    Tip: Practice writing simple setups and punchlines. Start with relatable situations and think about the twist that would catch someone off guard.

    3. Experiment with Different Styles of Comedy

    Comedy isn’t one-size-fits-all. Experiment with various styles to find what suits you best:

    • Observational Comedy: Focuses on the quirks of everyday life.
    • Self-Deprecating: Makes fun of yourself in a relatable way.
    • One-Liners: Quick jokes with a setup and punchline in one or two sentences.
    • Storytelling: Uses longer setups to build towards a humorous conclusion.

    Try writing jokes in each style. This experimentation will help you discover your comedic voice and understand where your strengths lie.

    Tip: Watch different comedians and note the variety of styles. Try to identify what resonates with you and why.

    4. Focus on Timing and Delivery

    Writing jokes is one part of the equation; delivery is the other. The same joke can be hilarious or fall flat depending on how it’s delivered. Timing involves knowing when to pause, when to speak faster or slower, and how to use your voice and body language to enhance the joke.

    Tip: Practice out loud. Record yourself and pay attention to your pacing and intonation. Adjust as necessary until the delivery feels natural and effective.

    5. Embrace Rewrites and Edits

    No joke is perfect on the first try. Once you’ve written some jokes, revisit and refine them. Look for ways to make the setup shorter, the punchline sharper, or the delivery more engaging.

    Tip: Test your jokes on friends or at open mic nights. Pay attention to what works and what doesn’t, and be willing to revise based on feedback. Comedy is an iterative process.

    6. Understand the Power of Misdirection and Surprise

    Many jokes work because they lead the audience in one direction before taking a sudden turn. This is known as misdirection. The punchline should defy the audience’s expectations, creating a surprise that triggers laughter.

    Tip: Practice setting up scenarios that seem predictable, then twist them with an unexpected punchline. The key is to maintain a balance—too predictable, and the joke falls flat; too confusing, and the audience won’t get it.

    7. Keep It Relatable

    The most successful jokes are often those that the audience can relate to. Tap into universal experiences—relationships, work struggles, social media, etc. The more your audience sees themselves in your material, the more they’ll connect and laugh.

    Tip: Even if you’re telling a personal story, find the universal theme. What’s the broader experience others can relate to?

    8. Develop a Consistent Writing Habit

    Comedy writing is a skill that improves with practice. Set aside time daily or weekly to write jokes. Consistency helps you develop your voice and refine your comedic instincts.

    Tip: Don’t be afraid of writing bad jokes. Every successful comedian has written far more bad jokes than good ones. The key is persistence and learning from each attempt.

    9. Perform, Perform, Perform

    Stand-up comedy is meant to be performed, not just written. Get on stage as often as possible. Performing in front of an audience is the only way to truly test your material and improve your comedic timing.

    Tip: Look for open mic nights, comedy clubs, or even virtual comedy events. The more you perform, the more comfortable you’ll become.

    10. Be Patient and Enjoy the Process

    Comedy is a long game. It takes time to hone your craft, find your voice, and build a repertoire of material that consistently makes people laugh. Be patient with yourself, and enjoy the journey of learning and growing as a comedian.

    Tip: Celebrate small wins—whether it’s getting a chuckle from a friend or a big laugh on stage. Every step forward is progress.

    Starting out in stand-up comedy can feel daunting, but with dedication, practice, and a willingness to learn from each experience, you can develop the skills to make people laugh. Remember, every great comedian started as a beginner, and with time and effort, you can carve out your own space in the comedy world. Keep writing, keep performing, and most importantly, keep laughing!

    Here are ten highly recognized and respected books on comedy writing and storytelling that are suitable for stand-up comedians:

    1. “The Comedy Bible” by Judy Carter
      • This book is a comprehensive guide for aspiring comedians, covering everything from writing jokes to performing on stage. It includes exercises, tips, and real-world advice from a seasoned comedy coach.
    2. “Born Standing Up: A Comic’s Life” by Steve Martin
      • While not a how-to guide, this memoir by Steve Martin provides deep insights into the life of a stand-up comedian. It explores the craft of comedy and the dedication required to succeed in the field.
    3. “Comedy Writing for Late-Night TV” by Joe Toplyn
      • Written by an Emmy-winning comedy writer, this book is a valuable resource for writing jokes for stand-up, late-night shows, and other comedic formats. It offers practical advice on joke structures, sketch writing, and monologue development.
    4. “Zen and the Art of Stand-Up Comedy” by Jay Sankey
      • This book dives into the philosophy and performance of stand-up comedy, offering practical techniques for honing comedic timing, stage presence, and connecting with audiences.
    5. “The Comic Toolbox: How to Be Funny Even If You’re Not” by John Vorhaus
      • A favorite among comedians and writers alike, this book provides tools and exercises for developing comedic material, from generating ideas to refining jokes for maximum impact.
    6. “Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian” by Stephen Rosenfield
      • Rosenfield, founder of the American Comedy Institute, shares his expert advice on crafting a unique comedic voice, writing jokes, and performing confidently on stage.
    7. “Step by Step to Stand-Up Comedy” by Greg Dean
      • A practical guide that breaks down the process of writing and performing stand-up comedy into easy-to-follow steps. Dean’s approach is geared towards beginners and provides a solid foundation in comedy basics.
    8. “The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles” by Steven Pressfield
      • Though not exclusively about comedy, this book addresses the creative struggles that many comedians face. It provides motivational insights on overcoming procrastination and self-doubt to unleash your creative potential.
    9. “Truth in Comedy: The Manual of Improvisation” by Charna Halpern, Del Close, and Kim Johnson
      • This book focuses on the principles of improv, which are highly relevant to stand-up comedians. It teaches the importance of honesty and authenticity in comedy, and how to develop material organically.
    10. “Sick in the Head: Conversations About Life and Comedy” by Judd Apatow
      • This collection of interviews with some of the greatest comedians offers a wealth of knowledge on the craft of comedy. The insights from established comedians provide valuable lessons and inspiration for those pursuing a career in stand-up.

    These books cover a broad range of topics from joke writing and performance to the philosophy and mindset behind comedy, making them excellent resources for stand-up comedians at any stage of their career.

    Follow me on IG@AliMehediOfficial

  • Bring Him Back!

    Bring Him Back!

    Picture this: It’s just another ordinary day, but I’m about to share something with you that might just sprinkle a bit of inspiration on your routine. So, grab your favorite snack, get comfy, and let’s dive into a tale from the unpredictable world of stand-up comedy.

    You see, I’ve been dabbling in stand-up for about six years, oscillating between treating it as a mere hobby and contemplating turning it into a serious pursuit. Now, let’s zoom in to last Sunday, a day that felt like any other until it didn’t. There I was, backstage at the Comix Roadhouse, hearts pounding and palms sweating, as I geared up for my performance in the semifinals of Last Comix Standing. The energy was electric, with four comedians lined up, each delivering a 15-minute set to woo the audience and the judges. My turn came third, and boy, did I pour my soul into it!

    But, oh, the twist in the tale— I overstayed my welcome on stage. As I darted off, fretting over my timing blunder, I beelined to the bar, drowning my sorrows in a pint, ready to kiss my dreams goodbye. But then, something magical happened. The waitress, with a twinkle in her eye, leaned in and said, “The crowd’s chanting your name, you know?”

    Imagine my shock! Me? Why? I darted back, and there it was— an entire room echoing with “BRING HIM BACK!” I was flabbergasted, a cocktail of embarrassment and exhilaration swirling inside me. But this moment, this incredible moment, was about more than just an ego boost. It was a vindication, a testament to the universal power of laughter, transcending boundaries, and touching hearts.

    Here I am, a storyteller from Bangladesh, now making waves in the Big Apple, weaving tales of my immigrant journey, sprinkled with a dash of everything under the sun—from world affairs to the whimsical world of dating and, yes, even those unavoidable poop jokes. Despite the nagging fear of being pigeonholed as an “Ethnic Comedian,” these experiences are the essence of my comedy. They are real, raw, and resoundingly relatable.

    And in those moments on stage, as the last act brought the house down and the host masterfully soothed the excited crowd, I realized the profound connection we share through laughter. It’s a reminder that, at our core, we’re all just humans, seeking a momentary escape, a shared chuckle, a fleeting bond.

    Oh, and between you and me? I secretly fantasize about being a rock star. Picture strumming the guitar, lost in the melody, captivating an audience not with jokes but with music. Alas, while the dream is vivid, the reality is I’m comically inept with instruments. But here’s the beautiful twist: embracing my knack for comedy has been the most serendipitous detour.

    So, here’s to the laughter, the unexpected turns, and the joy of finding your true calling—even if it’s not the one you initially set out to find. Cheers to the comedy of life! 🎤😊

    Follow me on IG@AliMehediOfficial

  • Maximizing Your Open Mic Experience: A Guide for Aspiring Stand-Up Comedians

    Maximizing Your Open Mic Experience: A Guide for Aspiring Stand-Up Comedians

    Open mics are the proving grounds for aspiring stand-up comedians. They offer a space to test new material, refine your delivery, and gain valuable stage time. However, stepping onto an open mic stage can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially for beginners. To help you make the most out of your open mic experience, here are some essential do’s and don’ts recommended by experienced comedians.


    1. Do Show Up Early and Sign Up:
      • Open mics can get crowded, and the earlier you sign up, the better your chances of securing a good spot in the lineup. Arriving early also gives you the opportunity to get a feel for the room, watch other performers, and engage with fellow comedians.
    2. Do Have a Plan for Your Set:
      • Prepare your material ahead of time and know the order of your jokes. Practice your set to ensure it fits within the time limit, usually 3-5 minutes. Rehearsing helps you deliver confidently and stay within the allotted time.
    3. Do Stay and Watch Other Comedians:
      • Watching other performers is a learning opportunity. Observe their delivery, timing, and audience interaction. You can learn a lot from seeing what works and what doesn’t. Plus, staying for others shows respect and supports the comedy community.
    4. Do Experiment with New Material:
      • Open mics are the perfect place to try out new jokes and gauge audience reactions. Don’t be afraid to take risks with your material. If a joke doesn’t land, take it as feedback and refine it for the next time.
    5. Do Engage with the Audience:
      • Eye contact, pauses, and reactions to the audience’s response can enhance your performance. Even in a small crowd, audience engagement can make your set feel more dynamic and interactive.
    6. Do Record Your Set:
      • Recording your performance allows you to review it later. Listen to what jokes worked, where you lost the audience, and how your timing and delivery came across. It’s a valuable tool for self-improvement.
    7. Do Embrace the Bombs:
      • Every comedian has bombed on stage—it’s part of the process. Use these moments to learn and grow. Analyze why a joke didn’t work and adjust accordingly. Resilience is key in comedy.
    8. Do Network with Other Comedians:
      • Open mics are not just about performing; they’re also about building connections. Chat with other comedians, share experiences, and get advice. Networking can lead to future opportunities and support within the comedy scene.
    9. Do Be Respectful of Time Limits:
      • Time limits are there for a reason. Respect them to ensure everyone gets their chance on stage. Overstepping your time can be seen as unprofessional and inconsiderate to the other performers.
    10. Do Keep Going Back:
      • Consistency is crucial in stand-up comedy. Regularly attending open mics helps you build confidence, refine your material, and develop a stage presence. The more you perform, the more comfortable and skilled you’ll become.


    1. Don’t Wing It Without Preparation:
      • While some comedians thrive on improvisation, going up without a plan can lead to a disjointed set. Have at least a rough outline of your material, so you don’t waste the opportunity.
    2. Don’t Take Audience Reactions Personally:
      • Not every audience will be responsive, and that’s okay. The purpose of an open mic is to learn, not to get immediate validation. Focus on your performance rather than the crowd’s reaction.
    3. Don’t Steal Material:
      • Originality is the cornerstone of stand-up comedy. Avoid the temptation to borrow jokes from others. Your unique voice and perspective are what will ultimately set you apart.
    4. Don’t Overwhelm the Audience with Offensive Material:
      • Pushing boundaries is part of comedy, but be mindful of the line between edgy and offensive. Gauge your audience and adjust your material if necessary to avoid alienating them.
    5. Don’t Apologize for Bombing:
      • If a joke doesn’t work, move on gracefully. Apologizing on stage can undermine your confidence and make the audience uncomfortable. Own your set, good or bad, and keep going.
    6. Don’t Get Distracted by Hecklers:
      • Hecklers are a reality of live performances. Handle them with composure—engage if you’re comfortable, but don’t let them derail your set. Often, ignoring them is the best strategy.
    7. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others:
      • Every comedian has their own pace and style. Comparing yourself to seasoned performers can be discouraging. Focus on your growth and the progress you’re making.
    8. Don’t Rush Through Your Material:
      • Nervousness often leads to rushing, which can cause jokes to fall flat. Take your time, pause for laughs, and allow your punchlines to breathe.
    9. Don’t Be Discouraged by Silence:
      • Silence isn’t always a bad sign. Sometimes audiences are listening intently, even if they’re not laughing out loud. Use the silence as a cue to adjust your pacing or delivery.
    10. Don’t Give Up Too Soon:
      • Stand-up comedy is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time to find your voice and hone your craft. Keep showing up, keep writing, and keep performing. Persistence is the key to success.


    • “The Comedy Bible” by Judy Carter – Provides practical advice for aspiring comedians, including tips on how to succeed at open mics.
    • “Born Standing Up” by Steve Martin – Offers insights into the journey of a comedian, including the challenges of early performances.
    • Interviews and articles from experienced comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Dave Chappelle, who emphasize the importance of practice and resilience in stand-up comedy.

    Open mics are an invaluable resource for anyone looking to break into stand-up comedy. By embracing the opportunities they offer and learning from each performance, you can develop your skills, build confidence, and make your mark in the comedy world. Remember, every great comedian started where you are now—with a desire to make people laugh and the courage to step on stage. So go out there, take risks, and most importantly, have fun!

    Follow me on IG@AliMehediOfficial